Sacred Cacao Ceremony Kit
Welcome to your practice. Your personal ceremony. Welcome home to you!
It is a great honour to share this gift of personal ceremony with you. My life has become a living ceremony on the heart centered path and now this guidance will assist you in walking your own heart's path.
Your starter kit comes with the following items:
1. SACRED HERBS – Take a pinch of this locally grown sage & prayer tobacco in hand & hold to heart. Say "Thank you Mother Earth & Great Spirit for the blessings in my life." Add any prayers you call upon to be answered. Release the offering to sky, water or/and land. Not for smoking or ingesting.
2. BLACK SALT – Keep your Sacred Work, home and property clean, clear & contained. Sprinkle my homemade, 9-herb warding salt outside your house or by your doorstep. Do not ingest.
3. FLORAL MIST – This is your smoke-free smudge. Spray above your head, over your body & around your ceremony space. Be sure to offer some to your altar and sacred items. Use to help clear the space after breakthroughs and challenges. Do not ingest.
This you new ally! Made locally by loving hands specifically for cacao ceremony. Hold it filled with cacao, close to your heart. Feel free to bring to community ceremonies. Wash by hand and please no microwave.
5. CACAO PASTE – Please welcome Mama Cacao to your heart! All cacao from Awakened Bear is ethically sourced, 100% pure, organic, fair trade, ceremonial grade, and high vibrational, yet gentle and loving plant medicine. Bless this medicine and receive its blessings. Please read the Cacao ritual post card in your package for preparing your ceremonial cacao.
6. ROSES – Add a little sprinkle to your cacao, altar, ritual bath, etc... Rose is one of the oldest flowers on earth & a beautiful teacher of love & boundaries. Allow your sacred blossoming to unfold within the safe cocoon of the rose.
7. CANDLE FIRE – Light this beeswax candle for your ceremony and allow the force of the fire to transmute all the energies within and around you to the highest potential at this time! Handle with care.
8. JOURNAL – you hold the answer to all your questions. Use this journal to track what comes up for you before, during and after ceremony. This is a powerful integrative tool for your life. You are your greatest teacher.